Rabu, 04 April 2012

Stress-Free After End Love

Do not let your breakup with ex-lover result of protracted grief too prolonged stress. You have to get up and go back to live. These tricks.

The first time you have to do is accept the decision already made. When deciding to split up, you and your ex-lover would have gone through many phases and has a variety of considerations. For that please accept this situation.

Keep your distance
It is not intended to break ties. But after the break, and you should keep your distance lover first. Your emotional state and he has not been stable. Do not let the meetings do not need to actually make your ex and make decisions that will regret later.

Stop blaming
Emotional state will continue uninterrupted if you are constantly discussing the former error or fault of your own. No longer fixated on the past. If there are mistakes you did in a past relationship, do not blame myself anymore. Improve yourself to run a successful relationship in the future.

Enjoy the solitude
Do not rush to start a new relationship. Do not ever start a relationship for that reason alone. Try to enjoy your solitude in advance. This is when you are enjoying time with friends of the family as well. In a hurry to have a new relationship actually increase your risk of repeating the same mistakes.

Do not revenge
Revenge is one sign that you are not willing to let go of the former. After all, the purpose of revenge will only hurt yourself. Trying to make the ex jealous and so will only make your grief more protracted.

Running a hobby
If you run out to the previous time alone with the couple alone, it's time to do things that you like without thinking about her feelings. You can go cycling, diving, or just spend time in shopping centers to relieve stress.

Be grateful
It may sound strange, but rest assured that the separation may be the best way for you and your ex for now. As written on the first point, the decision split decision is not in a hurry, but has been thought out carefully. Maybe this separation is the way to get someone better.

However, the separation should not be a reason to withdraw from social life. Separation is also not a reason to "sell" yourself to anyone you find interesting. Believe me, everything happens for a reason.

If you feel this parting very painful, I assure you, time will heal your feelings. Hopefully happy!

The power of touch Eliminate Stress

Touch is the only one of the five senses are not affected by age. As we age, our sense of smell becomes less sharp, it becomes difficult to distinguish the sense of taste, decreased auditory and visual needs help, but the sense of touch we have not changed. In fact, the need to touch and be touched up.

Real human beings are born with the need for touch. If infants and children less touch, then they will grow into children who are less sensitive and difficult to empathize with others.

Not only humans, other mammals also liked the touch. There are many scientific studies on orangutans, chimpanzees, cats, or dogs that show a very different effect between the baby animals when they touch a lot of the poor and touch.

Diane Ackerman, author of A Natural History of the Senses, mentions of touch are the senses with its unique function and quality. The touch will affect the whole organism.

"Touch of five times more powerful than words and emotional contact. No other senses are easily generated than by touch," he said.

If a touch is felt not fun, there will be no species. "A mother would not touch her ​​if they do not feel it was fun. If we do not like being touched and touching, maybe there will be no sex," said Saul Schanbergh.

A study also showed a touch of a loved spouse has doubled in strength against stress. Touch and created a sense of comfort also improves immunity and accelerates healing.

As he got older, making the need for increased sense of being loved. We need to learn to give a touch through hugs, kisses, or holding hands on the people we love because of the need for feeling loved and not alone is one way people live.

Awaken the Mood with Facebook

If you feel sad and melow, do not look in the mirror to return the mood, but open your Facebook page. Researchers from Cornell University found that social networking is very powerful to enhance self-esteem.

The rationale behind the positive effects of Facebook (FB) is quite obvious, such as FB allows us to install only the things that are good and fun, such as images. FB In addition we can also describe the positive side.

"It's like a mirror that reminds us who we are and might actually have a negative impact on self-confidence if the picture does not correspond to our ideal standards, FB can show the positive side of ourselves," said Jeffrey Hancock, one of the researchers.

He added that FB is not intended to deceive ourselves, but only to help us show the positive sides and filter out the things that make us feel bad.
Hancock and his team asked 63 students at Cornell to take part in an experiment in social media laboratory at the University.

The students were divided into two groups, there are seated facing the computer that shows their profile on FB or sitting in front of a computer that died. Those who die are given a mirror facing the computer. Students in the third group was asked to edit their FB profile.

Then the students were asked to fill out questionnaires to measure their self-esteem. The result, students who see their FB profile and edit it to have self-esteem levels are highest.
The researchers argue edit a profile on FB means the opportunity to optimize the presentation of good about yourself.

"FB Users can sort it what they want to show about yourself, including photographs and autobiographical information. They can present themselves as ideal," he said.

10 Foods to Improve Mood

If you need a happiness boost, try the consumption of fish oil to improve brain health and mood. Fish oil is not only rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce depression, negative feelings and moods, but salmon and tuna are also good sources of vitamin B12, which help improve mood.

Many people suffer from phobias, ranging from the common (such as acrophobia - fear of heights) to specific (such as Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter). Maybe your diet needs to be checked. Research has shown that folate deficiency can lead to irrational fear and anxiety, so try to increase your intake of folate - the same as improving mood with Omega-3 - by eating avocados.

Next time when you feel angry, try the consumption of nuts and seeds to help calm you. Research has shown that Omega-3 can reduce aggressive behavior in adults and children with severe behavior problems, while the Japanese study suggests women who are angry for taking zinc. To meet the nutritional intake, consume walnuts and flaxseed, which contains zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Have a date and want to change your mood? Try foods rich in zinc to stimulate the libido and increase desire. While the oyster is an aphrodisiac (a substance that can increase sexual desire) is known for high amounts of zinc, if you're not a fan of the slimy mollusks, try oysters, pine nuts or pumpkin seeds.

We all need to increase self-confidence from time to time, and luckily you get a helping hand to reduce the sense of shame. Researchers at McGill University in Montreal found that foods containing tryptophan (essential amino acids) makes people feel more confident. The best sources for tryptophan the meat (especially chicken), fish such as salmon and tuna, and beans.

Many people eat chocolate to overcome a broken heart, and it's not a bad thing. Chocolate contains many chemical substances to reduce distress, such as magnesium which create a relaxing, soothing anandamide and phenylethylamine which elevate mood. Try the dark chocolate consumption (but enough!) To optimize health.

If you are going to face interview or a presentation, try to replace coffee in the morning (which can make you jittery) with herbal tea. The effect of soothing chamomile is so strong that it can reduce the anxiety disorders of mild to moderate, so try a cup of chamomile tea to help reduce anxiety.

Do you feel overwhelmed because of a busy day or feel stressed out after work, try some blueberry consumption to cope with stress. Blueberries are high in vitamin C, which can help the body cope with high levels of stress. Also equipped with antioxidants that can help protect your body.

"Brain fog"
If you feel confused, unfocused, forgetful, or your mind is running slow, give your brain a boost with a cup of green tea. About 80 percent of our brain consists of water, drinking water can help keep your brain hydrated and functioning optimally. Green tea also helps maintain your vigilance to regulate blood sugar levels, helps protect the brain and reduce the risk of dementia (symptoms caused by disorders of the brain).

Do you feel lethargic from lack of sleep or just feel lethargic, drinking beet juice can revive your energy. Beetroot has a high sugar content and a lot of energy nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin C. Furthermore, researchers at the University of Exeter found that beetroot juice allows people to exercise again to 16 percent.

8 Pekerjaan Termudah di Dunia

Tukang Tidur Profesional
Qunar, sebuah situs perjalanan China, mempekerjakan tiga orang untuk menguji kenyamanan tidur, kekuatan sinyal wi-fi, kelembutan sandal, dan layanan kamar pada hotel-hotel ternama di seluruh negeri. Sementara itu, Travelodge mempekerjakan seorang ahli tempat tidur untuk tidur di semua kamar jaringan hotel nasional dan menguji kualitas dari setiap kasur. Pada tahun 2006, pria tersebut mendapatkan penghasilan besar. Diperkirakan secara umum dia mendapatkan 1.500 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 13,74 juta) per bulan.

Pengicip Cokelat
Di Godiva, penguji cokelat sama terlatihnya seperti penguji kualitas anggur. Ia dituntut untuk menilai kilauan dan retakan cokelat dan mengendus aroma cokelat. Totalnya ia harus menikmati hingga 50 coklat per hari. Penguji cokelat dapat menghasilkan USD 24.000 (sekitar Rp 219,91 juta) hingga 70.000 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 641,40 juta), bergantung pada perusahaan. Mungkin terdengar mudah, namun ini merupakan pekerjaan yang sulit didapat. Para penguji Godiva belajar pada "sekolah coklat" untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut, dan beberapa perusahaan bahkan membutuhkan "penguji-super", yaitu orang-orang yang lahir dengan kemampuan perasa luar biasa.

Pengumpul Binatang Lucu
Untuk sebagian dari kita, bermain dengan kucing biasanya dilakukan dalam waktu senggang. Namun jika kamu berprofesi sebagai editor situs Cute Overload atau agen casting di True Entertainment, perusahaan di balik acara "Too Cute" Animal Planet, kamu harus mencari cuplikan dan foto dari perilaku kucing dan anjing yang menggemaskan, untuk mendapatkan uang. Gaji rata-rata untuk staf pemula dalam situs tersebut dapat berkisar dari 10 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 91.629) per jam atau 40.000 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 366,51 juta) per tahun, bergantung pada lokasi, perusahaan, dan tanggung jawab.

Penjaga Rumah
Sangat mungkin untuk hidup seperti seorang milyuner dengan uang 10.000 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 91,62 juta) setahun. Sepasang suami istri menghabiskan musim dingin di Pyranees dan musim panas di Antibes, membersihkan dedaunan dari kolam renang mereka, berjalan-jalan dengan anjing, dan mencegah perampok menyatroni sebuah rumah. Penjaga rumah berpengalaman dapat membebankan biaya 200 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 1,83 juta) per pekan untuk menjaga rumah seorang milyuner. Untuk pemula, ada Luxuryhousesitting.com, sebuah situs yang menghubungkan para pengelana yang mencari pekerjaan menjaga rumah, dengan para pemilik rumah besar di Florida, Malta, Virgin Islands.

Penonton Televisi
Hanya diperlukan kemampuan mengetik cepat untuk jadi "penonton teve" yang bertugas mentranskrip dialog di teve bagi seorang tuna rungu sambil kamu menemaninya nonton. Ada pula pekerjaan sebagai asisten produksi untuk acara klip seperti "Talk Soup", yang bertugas menonton berbagai channel di teve dan mencari segmen yang pas untuk diberikan kepada produser. Gajinya beberapa ratus dolar per pekan. Dalam Nielson, ada tim peneliti media yang harus terus menonton teve selama 8 jam per hari untuk menonton semua iklan di seluruh jaringan, dengan bayaran 10 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 91 ribu) per jam.

Tuan Serba Tahu
Ada sebuah program, partner situs Youtube, yang memproduksi dan menjual video-video "how-to". Mereka menjawab satu hal yang ingin diketahui orang namun terlalu malu untuk ditanyakan. Pertanyaan seperti "bagaimana cara membuat pesawat-pesawatan dari kertas", "bagaimana cara bersiul", bagaimana cara menyeterika baju", dan sebagainya, dalam video tutorial. Pembuat video tersebut dapat menghasilkan hingga 100.000 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 916,29 juta). "Aku senang dibayar untuk tidak melakukan apapun," ujar seorang pria yang terkenal lewat video "cara memakai dasi".

Kritikus Spa
Jika kamu seorang yang kritis, mengapa tidak menggunakannya untuk mendapatkan pijatan gratis? Susie Ellis, C.E.O dari Spafinder, mendapatkan ribuan dolar dalam kariernya selama 20 tahun. Dia berkeliling dunia sebagai seorang wartawan, menguji pijatan punggung dan ritual aromaterapi untuk direktori online spa miliknya. Penulis lepas dan editor untuk situs spa dan majalah dapat menikmati semua layanan pijat tersebut dengan santai dan mendapatkan sekitar 20.000 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 183,25 juta) dan 90.000 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 824,66 juta) per tahun.

Konsultan Resor
Seorang ibu rumah tangga sekaligus blogger pernah disewa dibayar oleh sebuah resor mewah untuk menghabiskan empat hari di resor mereka sebagai tamu V.I.P. dan meminta pendapatnya tentang bagaimana memperbaiki layanan yang dapat menyenangkan keluarga. Selain liburan gratis, dia mendapatkan 1.200 dolar Amerika (sekitar Rp 10,99 juta). Pekerjaan yang menyenangkan, namun sayang sekali sangat sulit didapatkan. (ik/ml)

Waspada aksi hipnotis sopir taksi

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA -- Artis JM (22) yang mengaku ditelanjangi dan dicabuli oknum sopir taksi Blue Bird, Ramli, melakukan visum di RS Bhayangkara Polri Kramat Jati, untuk memastikan ada tanda luka atau bekas penyiksaan yang dialaminya.

"Kabar yang saya dapat pagi ini, hasil visum menunjukkan ada lebam di bahu kiri JM. Tapi kalau luka-lukanya nggak ada," kata kakak sepupu JM, Arlan Fadilah, Selasa (3/4/2012).

Lebih lanjut Arlan menerangkan bahwa JM menjalani visum usai membuat laporan dari Unit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (PPA) Polres Jakarta Timur pada Senin malam kemarin.

"Dengan adanya hasil ini kita akan kembali ke Polres Jakarta Timur. Karena hasil ini penting untuk bukti di kepolisian. Tapi dia (JM) tidak ikut sepertinya karena kondisinya belum memungkinkan nanti malah keterangan yang disampaikan tidak akurat," jelasnya.

Arlan menegaskan, meski adik sepupunya itu artis pendatang baru, dia membantah jika kasus ini bertujuan untuk mendompleng popularitas. Menurutnya ini kriminal murni.

"Kejadian ini nggak banget untuk popularitas, nggak perlu lah dengan cara seperti itu. Karena JM ini benar-benar jadi korban dan kalau ada yang katakan demikian kita jelas nggak terima," tandas Arlan.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, artis pemain film televisi (FTV) JM membuat laporan ke Unit Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (PPA) Polres Jakarta Timur. JM datang untuk melaporkan kasus pelecehan yang dialaminya pada Minggu (1/4/2012) malam.

Usai ibadah di gereja di kawasan Taman Mini, JM hendak pergi ke rumah temannya dengan menumpang taksi. Beberapa menit di dalam taksi, JM mengaku seperti dihipnotis. Dia mengaku setengah sadar saat dibawa berputar-putar ke kawasan Condet dan Cipayung.

Tiba-tiba saja JM mengaku dibawa ke sebuah rumah kos di kawasan Cipayung. Di kamar kos itu, JM mengaku dilecehkan oleh seorang sopir yang diketahui berinisial RL. Senin pagi pukul 07.00 WIB, JM baru saja dikembalikan ke rumahnya di kawasan Taman Mini.